Simcha Live Streaming

Simcha Live Streaming is a professional live event streaming service provider based in Johannesburg, South Africa. We specialize in providing high-quality streaming services for weddings, receptions, chuppahs, bar mitzvahs, and bat mitzvahs. Our team is dedicated to detailed preparation and setup, using state-of-the-art equipment imported from Australia by Jon Moss Photos to ensure broadcast-quality video streams for your at-home guests. With Simcha Live Streaming, you can trust that every moment of your special event will be captured and shared in real-time.

Great images are captured not merely through the click of a shutter, but through interaction: friendly smiles, good-natured banter, and a shared vision. This company was created in 2018, about how I can make this my profession, as I have the best training under my belt. I have proudly collaborated with people such as Michael Collet who ran MC Productions my latest project was the iownit expo with Bendeta Gordon in 2021 and I am now proudly collaborating with jon moss photos in Australia, to bring the best quality Live Streaming to South Africa

Working with people, requires patience, flexibility, respect and a sense of humour. I have learned that videography is all about people!

We make our clients our priority